COE96 Precut Glass Shapes and Designs

Our self-manufactured line of COE96 fusible precut glass shapes is made with Spectrum Glass by Oceanside Glass & Tile. Since Oceanside started producing Spectrum glass our color palette has almost tripled, allowing us to pick from an even wider range of colors for our precut glass shapes. We produce shapes for just about everything from baby feet to music notes to dragonflies and a whole lot in between. We also carry a wide selection of geometric shapes that include stars, circles, hearts and ovals. Some of the most popular precut glass shapes we have produced are the cupcake, dragonflies and our penguin ambassadors Lenny & Penny.

Side Note: Just because the precut is cut out of fusible glass that does not mean it is exclusively a fusible product. A lot of our one-piece precuts work beautifully as a mosaic shape, especially after you have jazzed it up with some decorations and fused it.